Two Favourite Productions From MEDIA AWARDS

Two of my favorite productions from the Media Awards were short films by Diyari and Ragini. Both films stood out to me because of how skillfully the directors used a variety of media techniques to enhance their storytelling. One of the key aspects that really drew me in was their use of lighting. Diyari and Ragini cleverly played with high-key and low-key lighting, which gave their films a moody, mysterious atmosphere. This use of lighting wasn’t just for style—it really helped build a sense of tension and unease, making you feel the characters' fear or the lurking threat that was just out of sight.The sound design was another part that made their work shine. The sound effects didn’t just fill space; they intensified the scenes, pulling you deeper into the story. In Diyari’s film, for example, the moment a character opens a mysterious box, the sound swells in a way that makes you hold your breath, waiting to see what’s inside. Ragini used sound in a similar way—during a scene where the characters are running, the sound of their footsteps and the fast-paced audio really made you feel the urgency and breathlessness of the chase.The camera work was equally impressive. Both films used close-ups to show the vulnerabilities of the characters at key moments, making it easy to connect with their emotions. The way the camera tracked the characters through their environments added an extra layer of suspense. In Diyari’s film, a slow zoom on the mysterious box created this looming anticipation, making you feel like something bad was about to happen.The settings in both films were chosen with care, adding to the overall sense of unease. The locations felt isolated and eerie, and this choice of mise-en-scène helped build the tension. Even the actors' facial expressions added to the mood—both films explored themes of mystery and fear, and you could see that reflected in the changing emotions on the characters’ faces as the story unfolded.I also noticed that both Diyari and Ragini dressed their characters in casual, everyday clothing. This made the characters feel relatable, like regular people we might know. But I also wondered if the choice was meant to create a contrast between the ordinary appearance of the characters and the intense, unsettling situations they were in.Overall, both Diyari and Ragini did an incredible job. Their use of media techniques—from lighting and sound to camera work and mise-en-scène—was thoughtful and precise. These elements weren’t just there for show; they made the films engaging, drawing the audience in and making the stories truly gripping. Watching these films, it was clear that a lot of effort and attention to detail went into making them so impactful.


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